A new Story

Created by Tina 12 years ago
I really hope everyone that new my sister & bestfriend can share there memories about my sister cause I miss her so bad even after all this time has past sense she left to be with our father above I cant wait to see her again one day and tell her about her kids & her grandbabies she left way to early in life I wish they all could have known there grandmal she so loved her husband & family no matter how ruff things got and no matter what they did or didnt do right or wrong she was one of the strongest women Ive had in my life Feb. is coming fast and will mark another year with out her. Please anyone who has a memory of time spent with her will be much wanted for I know there were many that loved her and watched her fight her battle. I miss you more and more every day sissy I look forward to seeing you again and momma please kiss her for me and tell her I love and miss her to...We will meet again your still and will always be my bestfriend and I miss you more then I could ever say with words.